Today I decided to tackle my darn office again...yes, it's a constant disaster...I have cleared everything out of it and I LOVE IT! Reality is I need to figure out what to keep and what needs to go! I didn't empty out the drawers b/c I cleaned those out a few months ago and are in pretty good shape I think?
I'm debating on painting or do you think I should just leave alone??? It's a super small space and adding any real color might make it look even smaller. I have 2 mahogany filing cabinets that I can't part with b/c they hold all our IMPORTANT crap papers.
This office was suppose to be where I held all my most important high dollar real estate transactions but now it's just junk room #2. That's funny!
anyways, I don't want to put anything back in just yet...I'm going to look for inspiration in web world and see what I can come up with...btw- all my junk is now in our dining room & kitchen. Yup it's a MESS!
oh well.....
here is the process of elimination below.
this is after I cleared out a ton of junk..
sooooo clean!
here are the 2 very important filing cabinets....
right side of pic notice the hole in the wall...need to patch
also, we were suppose to install glass in the 2 doors but never I would like just to add a wood panel on each to hide things
and I even have a really fancy glass door which is always open...maybe I can swith it out to another room in the house?
and don't be a light fixture need something a little nicer don't ya think?
well that completes today's post and now back to work. uggggh
xo nancy elizabeth
I love your office! Don't change the door! I just did the same thing right before Christmas--emptied everything out of my office. And, I put it all in containers, and it sits in the garage, as I slowly figure out how to organize and bring back only what I actually need and use. Ugh! I hate paperwork! BTW, I love the color your office is now. My only suggestion, IF you add color, is to color the walls so that the shelving/desk stand out. That's your focus, so it should be in focus. Whatever the wall color, then you could add touches of corresponding color in your desk and shelves accessories. (Just one suggestion of many!) : ) Have fun with it and let us see your progress. xo