We have had a rough week...Our baby boy Bailey has been very sick for the last 4 days. I took him to the er and they asked me to fork over $2000 or to put him down. I don't have that kind of money and felt torn. I asked them just to run a few test and they said he was at last stages of congested heart disease due from heart worms. Bailey adopted us about a 1 1/2 ago and had heart worms prior to us taking him in. I knew in my heart it was not his time to go & brought him home. Wednesday morning I took him to our regular vet and they said he may have a chance!! Thank GOD thank you!! They have put him on some really strong meds to help him gain some strength and to help him breathe easier. It's WORKING!! I almost put him down on Tues. Thank God I knew that was not a choice! Prayers from my facebook friends, family and friends have made a HUGE difference! I know and believe in the power of prayer. I thank all who have put in a little special prayer for our boy Bailey.
I'm tired but, not giving up on him...please keep us in your prayers as we need all we can get!
this is our baby boy Bailey..he was dressed & ready for the Royal Wedding!
xo nancy elizabeth
These creatures have a tendency to bond to us that is so rare from other animals. We too have a stray. He is the most incredible dog. I pray Bailey gets, and stays, well. It's hard to watch them suffer in any way.