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Sunday, January 1, 2012

{ at } home today...New Year New Color!

The  color of the year is ONE of my FAVES!!  

My New Years Resolution is to introduce color to my tone on tone pallet at home!  I love it don't get me wrong but, I'm ready for a change!
I've always loved color but have a hard time putting it together. {or just maybe scared}

I am excited to have a brighter YEAR in 2012!!

Here are some images of how you can introduce this beautiful color in your life style! 

a little splash goes a long way!

all images above: decorpad

Cheers & Happy New Year!!

2012 is going to be a brighter better Year!!!

XO Nancy


  1. Oooh - I like this color!

    Next time you're in Whole Foods, ask a manager about the recall. They are such a big supplier for Toms I would think they'd know about it. At Nordstrom, they asked me for the c.c. I had purchased them with and were able to pull up info that I had bought them there (kind of scary). Good luck! Hope you get a new pair.

    Happy New Year! xo

  2. Great images showing off the new 2012 color choice!! Hope to meet up with you this year!! : )


Thanks for sharing your comment!! xo Nancy

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